6) Willful Blindness Nobody Can Be That Stupid -

Up dated June 9/2021: All levels of Canadian and Ontario Governments and their Agencies had full documented and verified knowledge. Over 2.000 documents, proving the criminal activities of Government personal.

Even Prime Minister Trudeau received documented evidence of industrial espionage, title fraud, elder abuse, money laundering crimes assisted by Government personal.

The Prime Minister or his office didn't even respond. What does he care about Law and Order in Canada' 

This is not some simple Government bad mouthing, those are indictable crimes, committed in a conspiracy by Government Personal, including: title fraud, money laundering, bank fraud, industrial espionage, obstruction of justice, elder abuse-----.  

Prime Minister Trudeau praised himself by increasing the penalty for Elder Abuse from one year to two years... He also created a new Federal Ministry for seniors. 

Seniors Minister Hon Filomena Tassi is touring Canada ever-since, to find out what Canadian's need! I told her in Orillia "all we seniors need are law abiding responsible Governments.  

No wonder Ontario is one of the highest indebted provinces in the World. Proven in our case with documented evidence the Canadian/Ontario Government financial and legal Personal is conducting their official duties and responsibilities like a bunch of incompetent and arrogant crooks.

Here are the documented facts:

Ingeborg Guettler incorporated Chelmarc Holding Corp, named so after her and my grandchildren Chelsea and Marcus in 1999 October 18.

The lawyer in Tottenham, Collin Smith incorporated Chelmarc Holding Corp. for my wife Ingeborg Guettler. She was 100% owner of the corporation.

The above document is a copy of, Ingeborg Guettler, authentic registered and filed Chelmarc Holding Corp. Registered Corporation number is 1380015 (two 00) This Corporation was incorrectly canceled by the Government on March 13/2006.

Reason for the cancelation of Chelmarc Holding Corp (Ingeborg Guettler) was contradicting filed documentation by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, who is a close friend of Sheldon Barris. He, Barris a lawyer, who had a minor business relationship with me 

Arnold Guettler. 2012, during Court proceedings in Orillia, Ephraim Fiksel introduced himself to my wife and me, in front of other witnesses. This proves that he had no instructions or prior contact with me or my wife. 


 Above filed forged, by Ephraim Fiksel, Chelmarc Holding Corp document with corporation Nr.
138015 (one 0)

The filing date for the Ephraim Fiksel Chelmarc Holding Corp., paper company was October 18, 1999, same day, October 18/1999, Ingeborg Guettler's authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp. was registered, few hours earlier, by her lawyer Colin Smith.

After receiving a letter from Canada Revenue Agency, dated April 25/2011.

 We telephoned Tax Center in Oshawa Ont. and were given an appointment to see Supervisor Lee Aug. 9/2011.

At the meeting we were introduced to Ontario Government legal counsel France Vandenberg.

We, my wife and I, were informed at that meeting, Aug. 0/2011, that my wife's Corporation, Chelmarc Holding Corp. was canceled and all assets, including our only residence 25 Willow Cres, were vested into the Ontario Government on March 13/206.

In total disbelief we ask, WHY was the registered president of Chelmarc Holding Corp., my wife,s  not informed?

We were told by the Government employee, Sandra Darks, that ALL Government correspondence were send to Chelmarc Holding Corp. address   

Ephraim Fiksel

Head Office
8929 Weston Road
Suite 5
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 1A6
tele: 905-760-0976
fax:  905-760-0979   
This was the first time, Aug. 9/2011, that we became aware of lawyer Ephraim Fiksel.

My wife and I drove to that address and found a mailbox rented in a unit rental compound. With other words, Fiksel's Chelmarc Holding Corp. was a paper company with a mailbox address

This was all initiated and set up by lawyers Sheldon Barris, Ephraim Fiksel and Accountant/Auditor Milan Philip in 1999, four years before 25 Willow Cres. was bought in Oct. 2003 for $ 180.000.

It is more than obvious, that the conspiracy by those professionals were the illegal acquisition of the high audited, $ 30.000,000 evaluated, (by KPMG) of my companies Neo-Form and Neo-Form North America. 

The conspirators expected that my, Arnold Guettler, shares (80%) would end up in my wife's company Chelmarc Holding Corp.    

           This blog will continue   





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