100) Indisputable Legal And Officially Documented Prove Versus The Undemocratic Power Of Government

Updated: Dec. 6/2022 What is preventing the Ontario Government from obeying their own legislated laws? Are the and all their Civil Servants above the law? Are the untouchables? 

 As of today, Oct. 26/2021, our illegally, by the Ontario Government obtained, illegally retained and still illegally occupied property, has not been returned by the Ontario Government to the lawful owner, Ingeborg Guettler. (Blog 3)

We Canadian Seniors, living and working in Canada for over 59 years, were
illegally evicted by Ontario Government Employee, Brad Calverley. The husky uniformed Ontario Officer using a by him forged Superior Court Order to force full remove us Seniors out of our mortgage free house and only residence, almost 10 years ago.

If those crimes would happen in China Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would stand up for Chinas People. He would strongly condemn the human rights violations and elder abuse in China.

 (Oct. 16/2020 Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his government will not stop standing up for human rights in China.)  

 Thousands of verified documents were sent to the Canadian/Ontario Governments and their Agencies. Numerous Court proceedings and evidence prove the illegal documentations "official" registrations and criminal actions committed by Ontario Civil servants, including Ontario Provincial Police and there "instructors."

 This, for the eviction used Ontario Court Order was
forged by the Ontario Government Employee Brad Calverley. He is not the Simcoe County Sheriff. (Ontario Provincial Police record and Court evidence)

My wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp.  (CHC) was dissolved by the Ontario Government through deception. 25 Willow Cres., her residence and Chelmarc Holding Corp. registered Office, was owned by CHC. 

Document above: Espionage by Ontario lawyer. Fraudulent documents send to the Government for registration was created by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel.

Responding document from the Ontario Government pointing out Ontario Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel's incorrect  Chelmarc Holding Corporation Nr. 138015.  

Ephraim Fiksel's documented attempted to take illegal control of my wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp. He and his co- conspirators were under the wrong assumption that all my Neo-Form Corp. Business, Patens and Technology License (value estimated by KPMG $ 30.000,000) would be going (willed) into her Chelmarc Holding Corp.        

My wife, Ingeborg Guettler, Chelmarc Holding Corp. had nothing to do with my business whatsoever.

 Her only concern and involvement are her house and home, 25 Willow Cres. Which is still, as of this day Oct. 29, 2020, in illegal possession of the Ontario Government and illegally occupied.     

This is Ingeborg Guettler's authentic registered Chelmarc Holding Corp. with corporate Nr. 1380015.  

Her Company was wrongly canceled (described in blog 3) and taken into the ownership of the Ontario Government on April 13/2006.   

The Canadian/Ontario Rule of Law has become a meaningless palaver. As documented in my blogs: Power and deception (cover up) rules.

Ontario Governments were provided over the last eight years with thousands of legal and official registered
facts and Court evidence, regarding 25 Willow Cres. All documents which were sent to the Canada/Ontario Governments and their Agencies are posted in my 131 published blogs. 

 Ingeborg Guettler's house and residence, by law, (Revenue Canada officially cleared and rectified all issues June 2015).

 As of that date 25 Willow Cres. should have been released by the Ontario Government and transferred to the right full and legal owner Ingeborg Guettler. (Detailed explanations, official documents and Court evidence are published in my 131 segments) 


However, as of today, Oct. 29/2020 25 Willow Cres. is still illegally occupied and used for money laundering. 

A statement Claim was filed on Oct. 15, 2022 Court File No: 
22-1300 in the Court House in Barrie.

Ingeborg Guettler                                  Plaintiff
Arnold Guettler                                     Plaintiff

The King in Right of the                       Defendant
Province of Ontario

The Defendant did not issued or filed a defense.

After the time limit expired and no defense was served or filed I, Arnold Guettler, attended Court to seek a Default Judgment against the King in Right of the Province of Ontario Court File No: 22-1300.
Due to the understandable circumstances the Court Registrar, who normally can signet Default Judgment refereed this matter to a Judge.  
Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler filed a Motion in Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Court File No: -22-1300, to be heart on Nov. 15/2022.

Defendant in the Motion was the Ontario Government, named His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario.

The Motion was for a Default Judgement ruling by a Superior Court Judge on those issues:

a) The Title and Registration of 25 Willow Cres. Brechin Ont.           LOK-1B0 Property.
b) Possession of the property known as 25 Willow Cres.

c) Such further and other relieve as the nature of the case may          require.

Plaintiff's position and arguments are:

The Notice of Motion was properly served to the Defendant on 17 Oct. 22.

Receiving and accepting the Notice of Motion was Kristen, Secretary Assistant for Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy. 

Affidavit of Service was sworn by me, Arnold Guettler, on the 8 day of Nov. 22 before the Registrar/Commissioner in Barrie Court House. 

Particulars                                  Court File No: CV-22-1300

Were properly served, delivered Oct. 27,2022 by me Arnold Guettler and accepted by Kristen Secretary Assistant for Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy. 

After the Particulars were properly delivered the were filed Oct. 27,2022  2.30 pm at the Court house in Barrie.

Factum                                         Court File No: CV-22-1300 
Was refused to be filed in Court by Brendan McCarty in Civil Court in Barrie on Nov 1/2022.

Factum could not be delivered to the Office of the Defendant. The office was closed that day.

I send the Factum per registered Mail on Nov. 1/2022 (CC330612) at 14:46:58 Time to the defendant the King in Right of the Province of Ontario, care of Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy.  

A in person Motion was heard in Barrie Court house on Nov. 15/2022 before Justice C. Boswell. 


This blog will continue.  


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