107) Criminal Manipulation Of The Rule Of Law In Canada/Ontario By Government Civil Servants

Up-dated Jan. 30/2022: As of today, 25 Willow Cres. my wife's verified by Revenue Canada in 2015, legal  property is still illegally occupied and illegally retained by the Ontario Government. 

Landscaped back yard of 25 Willow Cres. in 2010

Back yard of 25 Willow Cres. when the property was purchased in 2003.

With-out authorization, legal cause or permission  Ontario Provincial Police Officer, Kimberly Wild, forcefully entered our house.  No crime was committed or reported.

PC Zubrickas was in 2012 a rooky Ontario Provincial Police Officer. ( two years in Police service, Court evidence) she was not qualified or authorized to judge the legal documented complain.   

Our house was previous force-fully and illegally taken from us by, Brad Calverley, a Ontario Government Official. He used a by him forged Superior Court Order as authority. (Court evidence) 

Above, used for the eviction, forged Court Order is not singed by the designated Simcoe County (legitimate) Sheriff. 

The document is forged and illegally enforced by Ontario Government employee, Brad Calverley.

After regaining peaceful possession of our residence, my wife Ingeborg and I, Arnold Guettler were sitting peacefully in our  office and residence at 25 Willow Crs. Brechin Ontario. 

Ontario Provincial Police Officer Kimberly Wild entered our house/office and was told by me to leave the house several times since she had no authority to come in to the house.

Instead she tried to follow the instructions of Eve Barris (the person who stole the house) to remove my wife and me out of our legally occupied house/office.*

 I was sitting in my office chare and had my arms and hands on the shares armrest's and refused to respond to Officer Wild's illegal demand to leave the house. ( Court evidence) 

My legs and feet were under the desk wedged against the office wall behind the desk. (Court evidence)

Police Officer Wild then tried to pull me out of my chare. Wen that failed she applied physical and traumatic pain on me, a 70+ Canadian Citizen.

I was kicked with her heavy work boots 5-6 times. In Court Police Officer Kimberly Wild testified under oat that she kneed me 5-6 times. (Court evidence)

In her sworn testimony Police Officer Wild tried to gloss over her unbecoming cruel actions by stating, that she kneed me. I was sitting in a position were it is impossible to be kneed. The only way for the Officer to inflict pain was from under on my legs und this is what she did. 

Not that it made any difference if she kneed or kicked me the Officer inflicted unprovoked
 pain and mental trauma on me. The Police attack was so brutal, that my wife had to call the Ambulance. Later that day in hospital my wife and I were told, by the doctor, that I had a severe panic attack.

 At the Court trial, Crown Attorney Minns objected that I used the term "torture." May be I should have called it "Police Persuasion." In her Court testimony, Officer Kimberly Wild called this barbaric behaver (specially on a 70+ Senior) part of her normal duties.

As of today Jan. 21/2022,  25 Willow Cres. ( my wife's, verified by Revenue Canada in 2015 legal property) is still illegally occupied and illegally retained by the Ontario Government! 


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