119) Political Slogan: Ontario Is Open For Business. A First Appropriate Step

Up dated Feb. 11/2022:  The Ontario Government finally  recognizes and react to the uncontrolled criminal frenzy of the Ontario Security Commission.

Private Ontario businesses can now evolve and prosper with-out the tread of organized blackmailing by the Ontario Security Commission.

Ontario Government commissioned task force in 2019 recommends, after a 10 months investigation, sweeping recommendations to reform the Ontario Security Commission.

The Task Force recommendations include more than 70 major governance ( control, authority, command, influence ........) changes to Ontario Security Commission.

Those changes include in creating an adjudicative body   (mediate, arbitrate) within the Ontario Security Commission to rule on alleged security act violations.

Documents below a prove that, I Arnold Guettler and my Companies were trying to mediate with the Ontario Security Commission an agreement.

Even so, the Ontario Security Commission has no standing in this matter. My Neo-Form and Mesron Companies were registered Ontario private Companies.

 My three Ontario registered Companies, Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp. and Mesron Corp. had less then 50 share holders each. Including the, on average 40 employees of the three Companies who were exempt by the Ontario Security Act.

Other Neo-Form share holders were National and International business partners who became share holders trough business negotiated contracts and agreements. The Ontario Security Commission had no legal reason to investigate.

The OSC had no legal reason to publish there illegal investigation on the World Wide internet. 

The Ontario registered private Neo-Form Corporations and me, Arnold Guettler, were conducting our business honest and legal in Ontario, Canada and many other International Countries around the World very successfully. 

According to the Ontario Security Act, Revised Status of Ontario, 1990 Chapter S.5 Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp, and Mesron Corp. were private Ontario registered Corporations. 

The Ontario Security Commission had no legal authority or reason to use there accumulated hyperpower to investigate my Neo-Form and Mesron Corporations bank accounts. Or our private (my wife Ingeborg and my Arnold Guettler's bank accounts)

The Ontario Security Commission used and provided the illegal collected information for espionage.

The Ontario Security Commission received one complain from Claudio Cinapri, he was not a share holder! He persuaded personal from the Commission to listen to him.

After listen to Cinapri's fabricated story the realized that there is money and an opportunity to blackmail me, Arnold Guettler, into a "Settlement."

The Ontario Security Commission decided to proceed against Arnold Guettler and his Companies thereby becoming directly involved in extortion and espionage. 

I. Arnold Guettler was conducting, with the payed assistance from the best available Professionals, legal business in Ontario and ended up in Jail. The alleged infractions were non criminal, by the Ontario Security Commission claimed     "incidental proceetional infractions."  

The OSC claimed:  " Between October 15, 1994 and January 10, 1997, Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corp. and Neo-Form North America Corp. raised in excess of $ 2 million dollars from the sale of shares and promissory notes to approximately 140 investors by means contrary to the Securities Act."

Above paragraph: blatant blackmailing lie, published on the World wide Internet, by the Ontario Security Commission.  

This criminal action committed by Ontario Security Commission destroyed the implementation of 10,000 of thousands of created Jobs in Canada and in the, by Neo-Form established markets around the World. 

Above: Two official documents from the Canadian National Research Counsel verifies, that over $ 2,000.000 were spent by my Mesron and Neo-Forms Corporations on qualified 
research and development.

The money what was used to complete the research and development of the state of the art large scale production machinery and numerous building products was legally earned, collected and properly accounted for.

Forensic accountant Rima of the Ontario Security Commission stated in a sworn statement in Court that, after a full Bank financial investigation " there were no unusual transactions" don by Ingeborg Guettler, Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp. or Mesron Corp. ( Court evidence)



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