123) Primary Responsibility Of Canadian Governments Is To The CANADIAN People

Updated Apr. 19/2022: What an insult to us Canadians. Our Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is gallivanting around the world with his/our Ministers to spent Canadian taxpayers money to gadder support fore his personal and political orgy.       (unbridled indulgence of passion) 

The Canadian Trudeau Government has instructed the RCMP ( Canadian Federal Police) to collect evidence of alleged war crimes in Ukraine. (published in the press, April 7/2022)

Justin Trudeau was informed by me, Arnold Guettler, years ago of committed criminal human rights violations against us Canadian Seniors, in Canada.

Maybe  our "caring" Canadian leaders should also attend to the Canadian "human criminal and brutal atrocities committed, by Canadian/Ontario Politicians and Civil Servants, in Canada." Particular to us and other vulnerable undefended Canadian seniors. We, now Seniors, helped build Canada and its prosperity.

We worked very hard for many, many years in Canada and earned a decent and protected standard of living in our retirement in Canada.

To remined the caring Canadian Politicians, to ensure our rights we, Canadians, have a Constitution enshrined and enforced by the established Rule of Law in Canada.

However our 10 year inhuman unattended horrifying ordeal proves that the ruling Authorities, including the fully informed Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau have no desire to obey the law and rectify criminal atrocities against us Canadian seniors committed in Canada.

The apparent reason fore the cover-up and political guided corruption, to many Canadian/ Ontario Politicians and Civil Servants were previous directly involved in committed indictable crimes, including espionage.

More information and verification are documented in my 122 published blogs, including blog 9.


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