125) Privately Engaged Ontario Government Enforcement Personal Are Used Fore Indictable Criminal Activities

Violent crimes by Canadian Government Personal were committed against us Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, Canadian Seniors. Those indictable horrible crimes were reported to all appropriate authorities with documented facts.

Property registered as 25 Willow Cres., Ingeborg Guettler's law-full house and our only residence was illegally impounded by the Ontario Government.

 The seized property was than embezzled from the Ontario Government by Ontario lawyers and used for money laundering. 

In less than 3 years 25 Willow Cres. was flipped 4 times by Ontario lawyers Ephraim Fiksel, Robert Zigler, James Klein and disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris. $ 2,000.000 changed hands in Power of Sale and money laundering scams.

I will try to document as simple as possible the established proven facts, so that our Politicians, Civil Servants and relevant authorities can understand and make an educated and appropriate judgment.

1) Mortgage free 25 Willow Cres. was unlawful taken by and vested into the Ontario Government April 13/2006 for claimed tax violations. (BLOG3)

It was established by Revenue Canada, after a full investigation in in June 2015, that there were no tax violations committed by Chelmarc Holding Corp. (Registered owner of 25 Willow Cres. Blog3)

Revenue Canada also verified with those, non-existing tax violations findings-discovery, that the Ontario Government acted ilegally when the confiscated 25 Willow Cres. and dissolved Ingeborg Guettler's Chelmarc Holding Corp. 

After the confirmed, ruling by Revenue Canada, Robert Mitchum Tel. 1-844-701-5582, 25 Willow Cres. should have been (by law) taken out of the possession of the Ontario Government and handed over to the rightful owner Ingeborg Guettler, shortly after June 15/2015.

However, the Ontario Government lost 25 Willow Cres. through crime committed by Ontario lawyers. 

2) 25 Willow Cres. was used in criminal conspiracies fore money laundering by Ontario license lawyers including Ephrem Fiksel, Robert Zigler, James Klein and disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris.

Numerous high level Ontario Government Civil Servants were also involved in the 25 Willow Cres. conspiracy and money laundering including Ontario Court Services Director Susan Charendoff, Ontario Deputy Director, criminal matters, Michal Bernstein: Ont. Gov. Manager B. J. Weinert: Ont. Gov. Counsel/Lawyer F.E. Byerley.  Blog: 15, 16, 27, 34, 46, 50, 53, 56, 57, 69, 80, 84  

 The Ontario Government was first informed by us Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, of the large criminal conspiracy regarding 25 Willow Cres. on Aug. 9/2011.

Francy Vandenberg, Counsel of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General personally received over 40 documents relating to the criminal activities regarding 25 Willow Cres.
(Blog 3)

 Including in the documents were the Power of sale scams and treats by disbarred Lawyer Sheldon Barris and his, for him, actin Lawyer Robert Zigler, dated July 12/2010.


This $ 90,000 mortgage was a collateral mortgage on a small second property, Ramara Lake Shore Road, owned by Chelmarc Holding Corp. 25 Willow Cres. itself was mortgage free.

I, Arnold Guettler, purchased this small property to continue with my research and development of cementatious building materials after 


This illegal land transfer of 25 Willow Cres. was registered by Ontario license lawyer Ephraim Fiksel. He registered the, from the Ontario Government, stolen property with-out a mandatory title search.

The documents given by us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, to the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General,
Francy Vandenberg, proves, that 
Sheldon Barris embezzled 25 Willow Cres. from the Ontario Government

 He then sold the property in a bogus power of sale procedure to his own (100%) Jorlee Holding INC. company. This illegal transfer of the stolen property was registered while the property, 25 Willow Cres., was vested into and owned by the Ontario Government.  

3) 25 Willow Cres. was in the possession of the Ontario Government when disbarred (2009) lawyer Sheldon Barris, who did not own 25 Willow Cres., sold the property in a power of sale proceeding to his own 100% Jorlee Holding INC Company, on Dec. 8/2010 for $ 535,000.00.

The marked X on the above document was affixed by the Law Society of upper Canada. 

Response to a letter, send by me Arnold Guettler, to the Ontario Attorney General by Susan Charendoff. She "retired" in 2015.  

Above letter: With other words you, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler can report to me and the Onterio Attorney General all the criminal activities of our employees. However, we will not act or respond.

Above document: The above document verifies the illegal attempted of lawyer Ephram Fiksel to take control of Ingeborg Guettlers Chelmarc Holding Corp.

He and his lawyer gang were had the wrong impression, that all my invented building technology value, estimated by KPMG at $ 30.000,000, would be willed into Chelmarc Holding Corp. 

Disregarding all the criminal activities surrounding 25 Willow Cres. the Ontario, fully informed, Government did not intervene and ignored the ongoing cruelties and barbaric 

 4) On Dec. 19/2011 Ingeborg and I, Arnold Guettler Canadian Seniors 70+, were force-fully and ilegally removed from our legally owned and legally occupied home, by a Brad Calverly, a husky Ontario Government uniformed enforcement officer.  

He, Brad Calverly, used for the illegal eviction of us, Canadian Seniors from our home, a by him forged Superior Court Order. (Court evidence)



5) To cover-up his premeditated crimes, Brad Calverly, filed an unauthorized Eviction Order. (Court evidence) So with other words: According to registered land records, the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. by Brad Calverly. on Dec. 19/2011 never happend.  

6) Those crimes committed by Ontario Court Services uniformed enforcement personal were reported with documented evidence to Susan Charendoff, Director of Court Services. 

She and her Court Services Division personal covered up the committed crimes by her employees.

As of today: May 21/2022 ten years later, 25 Willow Cres. has not be assigned, by the Ontario Government, to the lawful (since June 15/2015) owner, Ingeborg Guettler, and is still ilegally occupied.

  Rampage of proven in Court, indictable crimes were reported (over the last 10 years) to all Canadian/Ontario authorities. Majority of those crimes were committed against Canadian Seniors (Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler) by uniformed Ontario Government enforcement personal. 

I was criminal charged and prosecuted (court ruling "not guilty) for taking this picture, below, from the street. 

Above picture: Ontario Police supervised daylight robbery. Police Officer Kimberly Wild gave instructions to Michael Gardner, Jonathan Smith (relatives of Sheldon and Eve Barris) and Lance Hamilton in the illegal removal of our precious goods from our house and residence 25 Willow Cres.

As of today May 15/2022 the, by the Ontario Government in June 2006 ilegall confiscated house and office 25 Willow Cres is still ilegall retained by the Government (Revenue Canada cleared all wrongly claimed violated tax issues June 2015) and ilegally occupied.

Above Court transcribed: Ontario uniformed Police Officer, Kimberly Wild, intentional inflicting unprovoked pain on a Canadian Senior.

Possession of 25 Willow Cres. was ilegally and forceful obtained by a uniformed Ontario Government Enforcement Officer, Brad Calverley. (Court evidence)

He, Brad Calverley, used a by him forged Superior Court Order to brutaly remove us, Canadian Seniors, on Dec. 19/2011 out of our legally occupied residence. (Court evidence) 

My wife Ingeborg and I regained peaceful and legal possession of our residence 25 Willow Cres. on Jan. 5/2012. 

Eve Barris, the wife of disbarred lawyer, were the person who, with her husband Sheldon Barris stole (Title fraud) our residence from us seniors and the house, 25 Willow Cres. from the Ontario Government. 

Police report above: Ontario Policer Kimberly Wild was asked by disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris wife Eve Barris, to remove an unwanted person from 25 Willow Cres. No crime was reported, and no legal 
authorization was provided.

To conceal his indictable crime (maximal prison term 10 years) Ontario Government employee Brad Calverley, official filed and registered an unauthorized and not used (fore the eviction of us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from our residence 25 Willow Cres.) eviction Superior Court Order in the registration office in Barrie Ont. (Court evidence) 

Those, by Brad Calverley, committed indictable crimes were reported with documented evidence, to all 
pertinent Canadian and Ontario Authorities including Director Susan Charendoff

Susan Charendoff is a high-level Ontario Civil Servant, Director of Court Services Division. She was informed with documented evidence that the Ontario Government employee, Brad Calverley, 
who is working in the Court Services Division has committed serious crimes against Ontario Seniors. 

The above responding letter dated March 13.2012 verifies that the Director of Ontario Court Services Division, Susan Charendoff, has knowledge of committed crimes in her department.

That neglected knowledge makes the Ontario Government Director, Susan Charendoff, guilty of being a part of a criminal conspiracy. 



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