126) Canadian Refugees In Canada

Updated Dec.16/2923: Hon. Premier Doug Ford you are elected to be a "lawmaker."

You and your Government are also responsible for enforcing the law. Why are you and your Government refusing to react to Court proven criminal activities committed against us, Canadian/Ontario citizens by Ontario Civil Servants and other Ontario "Professionals." 

 We, my wife Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler became Canadian Refugees in Canada. We Canadian Seniors lost possession and were brutaly and forceful removed out of our legally owned and occupied home 25 Willow Cres. by uniformed Canadian enforcement personal in Canada.

Brad Calverly a Canadian/Ontario employed "Enforcement Officer" used as authority a by him forged Superior Court Order to forcefully made us home-less. (Court evidence)

Above document: Court evidence, forged Superior Court Order was used fore the ilegall and force-full eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from our residence 25 Willow Cres. 19 December 2011.

All Ontario Government and Personal including: Premier Doug Ford, Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique, Attorney General Doug Downy have full knowledge for many years of the, still ongoing, (Dec. 16/2023) criminal Elder abuse and Globally established Human Rights violations committed by the Ontario Government against there Citizens Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler.     

Above picture: With a lot of sweat, hard work created and earned retirement environment. 

Above picture: Fully renovated and landscaped from picture below front view of 25 Willow Cres. 

More detailed described atrocities committed against seniors in Canada by authorities. Documented with court evidence and pictures on Website HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/ segment: 124, 118, 116, 115, 110, 107, 100, 3, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20

Above Document: Police brutality applied on a 70+ Canadian/Ontario Senior.  

 We are Canadian, 70+, seniors were removed with physical brutality from our legally occupied home and only residence. This was done after we regained peaceful possession January 5/2012. 

 Before, Dec. 19 2011 we, Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler, were force full and ilegally removed from our home and only residence by Ontario Government uniformed Enforcement Officer, Brad Calverly.

He used as authority, a by him, forged Superior Court Order.  (Court evidence) 

Above document: Forged eviction document authorized by impersonating "Sheriff" Brad Calverly. 

Brad Calverly is a Ontario Government employed Enforcement Officer and not the Simcoe County Sheriff.



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