(128) The Cover-Up Of Indictable Criminal Activities By The Canadian/Ontario Authorities

 Years ago, in a personal meeting with Canadian Opposition Leader Peter McKay in Ottawa, where he stated after sifting through three binders of documents: "This is espionage." 

Numerous Canadian Federal, Ontario Provincial Politicians and high-ranking Civil Servants ilegally participated in gaining possession of my invented and fully developed building material machinery and housing technology and concepts.

To cover up the criminal espionage and conspiracy against me, Arnold Guettler and my three private companies Neo-Form Corp., Neo- Form North America Corp. and Mesron manufacturing Corp. the manipulated the flawed and uncontrolled Canadian/Ontario legal system. 

 Numerous Canadian Federal and Ontario Provincial Politicians and high ranking Civil Servants where informed with documented evidence including: Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, former Federal Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, Justin Trudeau, Diane Lebouthillier, Andrew Treusch, Brenda Paquette, Norman Sabourin, Kathleen Wynne, John Gerretsen, Madeleine Meilleur, Yasir Naqvi, Charles Sousa, Susan Charendoff, James F.E. Byerley, Michael Wheeler, Bruce Arnott, France Vandenberg, Bruce Stanton, Garfield Dunlop and Patrick Brown. (More detailed information in blog 13)

To cover up the committed espionage and indictable crimes, the Canadian/Ontario Government and there Personal ignored the Rule of Law and knowingly tolerated the criminal activities, including espionage and money laundering involving there high-ranking civil servants.

Our residence, 25 Willow Cres. was unlawful confiscated by the Ontario Government in Apr. 2006. (Blog 3, 13) 

On Dec 19/2011 my wife and I were forcefully and ilegall removed from our house by a uniformed Ontario Government enforcement Officer Brad Calverly.

He used a by him forged Superior Court Order for the eviction. (Court evidence) 

Brad Calverly is a Ontario Government Enforcement Officer and not the Simcoe County Sheriff

To conceal his premeditated crimes he, Brad Calverly, filed in the Barrie Register Office, an unauthorized eviction order. (Court evidence) 


"Retired" Simcoe County Crown Attorney Minns and "retired" Ass. Crown Attorney Russel had full confirmed and documented knowledge of the committed indictable crimes by their college (employed by the same Ministry) Brad Calverly. (Court evidence)

The, Minns and Russel, selected to join the big Ontario Government cover-up and not prosecute Brad Calverly. There-by the became criminal conspirators in the ilegall and force-full displacement of us Canadian Seniors, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, from our legally occupied home 25 Willow Cres.  

Both Mr. Minns and Mr. Russel have resigned and are now "retired"

Collected evidence given to the authorities proving that 25 Willow Cres. was stolen from us and the Ontario Government over 10 years ago. 

Collected evidence given to the authorities proving that possession of 25 Willow Cres. was brutally and ilegall taking from us, at time 70+ seniors, using forged documentation by a Ontario Government Civil Servant. 

Peter McKay should be drafted into Canadian political service, in my opinion. Canada desperately needs a proven capable leader.

You can also visit blog 14 in Forced into Inhuman Living Condition.


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