129) Setting The Issues Including 25 Willow Cres. And Us Ingeborg And Arnold Guettler Strait.

Since our Canadian/Ontario leaders, Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford, don't believe in Canadian innovation and development abilities I, Arnold Guettler, was forced to manufacture my in Canada invented and fully developed affordable housing material and self-building concepts, in Germany.

From there my German Company can ship self constructed, state of the art, mold free housing and building concepts, very cost efficient, to Canada, Ontario and Native communities.

Maybe in 30 years when one of Justin Trudeaus offspring becomes Prime Minister "Trudeau mania" the will purchase the fantastic housing innovations from Germany, for what ever.   

My wife Ingeborg and I personally will stay in our adopted (61 years) home  Canada. We will continue to "fight" for our, through hard work earned home, 25 Willow Cres.

 The Ontario Government ilegally confiscated (over 10 years ago) our house and only residence. As of today July 31/2022 - 25 Willow Cres. Ontario Canada is still ilegally retained by the Ontario Government and ilegally occupied. (Blog 3)

We, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler's Canadian Constitutional rights have been totally ignored by the "Authorities." For the last 10 years the Canadian/Ontario Governments have tried to cover-up their large-scale involvement  corruption and criminal activities regarding 25 Willow Cres., Chelmarc Holding Corp., Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp. and Mesron Manufacturing Corp.

Documented prove of unwillingness to legally address the unprecedented Canadian Government corruption are provided with thousands of verifying documents in my published 128 blogs.   


To help supply the Worldwide shortish of healthy solid housing, I with the help of my wife, invented and developed insulated cementatious building material and state of the art production machinery.

In addition, economical world-wide transportation of solid and healthy living accommodation's, housing, where designed and adopted by Neo-Form corporations. Blog 106, 108,109

Neo-Form housing concepts approved developed building materials and large-scale production machinery was presented with documented evidence to Canadian MP Bruce Stanton in 2010. Blog 87,88 

Special attention and solutions, where given to Canadian Native housing needs and self-sustaining building and construction training skills.

Comprehend building material and housing concepts presentations where personally presented by me to the Ontario Government. 

Same results "not interested" The Ontario Government is not interested in legally getting involved in my over 30 years invented and fully developed, approved building materials and large-scale production machinery. 

Therefore, my wife Ingeborg and I have decided, staying in Canada, to have our achieved housing technology and concepts implemented in Germany. 

It is not us leaving Canada, but our over 30 years accumulated housing technology, skills training concepts and established World markets. blog 92

So as an example, we can supply Canadian Native People with a healthy-spacy-solid house by using the structural steel benefits of two 40 ft. new or used shipping containers. Those structural steel units, "sea containers", will be filled with Neo-Form building material manufactured in Germany. Additional material will be shipped and used to complete each house structure.

In addition, all other building materials not manufactured by Neo-Form for the 2400 qf.  ($ 42 per qf) living space Native house will be collected and economical transported inside the steel structures to any location in the World.

The base house steel structure will then be fastened on Helical Foundation Piles to secure the house from dangerous wetter elements and above local flood levels.

 Other componence including windows, doors, kitchen assessor's, heating and cooking stoves, solar panels and assessor's ectr. will be collected and added from European markets and loaded in the transportation City hub, in Germany, fore World export housing supplied in a "box"

All shipping and packing foam will be incorporated and used in the house construction. No waste.

This building format is environmentally friendly and creates no waste. This conforms with the payed by Neo-Form, environmental study report produced by Ernst & Young which includes the full environmental regulation for the Neo-Form manufacturing process.  

To offset shipping cost, other merchandise will fill the empty space in the house containers. 

Since Canada/Ontario is not interested in my wife's and my professional contribution to ease the World housing crises, global warming and economical grows in Ontario, I traveled on June 14/2022 to Germany via Amsterdam.

There in Germany I contacted the mayor of a major industrial reemerging-renaissance manufacturing City. There I can utilize the over decades developed skilled labor force.

The central location and global transportation facilities were also important to me in order to conduct my global business properly and efficiently.

I was directed by the Mayor to the City's economic development administration building.

I presented to the German economic development team my proposal including all information compiled in my 128 published blogs.

It was also stated by me to the economic development team, that I only asked the city for their cooperation to implement my business and their professional guidance. 

My business proposal has self-sustaining funding, and no financial assistance is required from the German City.

I stated at the meeting that all follow up information can be done by E Mail. Any necessary personal meetings with me regarding the Neo-Form/Syncrete technology transfer to Germany will be conducted in Canada.

After my last traveled experience, I realized that my world traveling times are over. My wife and I will stay involved in the Neo-Form/Syncrete housing technology/concepts transfer to Germany, while enjoying our remaining years in our little semi-retirement home at 25 Willow Cres. Brechin Ontario Canada.



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