145) The Power Of One "FORE ONE" Doug Ford Premier Of Ontario

Up dated: Jan. 2/2024 It appears to me, that disregarding the Rule Of law and using his political mussels, Ontario Premier Ford is not weaseling but plowing towards his personal goal. He is creating personal big time money, by making private business opportunities fore him and his designated business "Associate's" in India and Singapore. 

Christmas day December 25/2023. Ontario Government is ilegally denying us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, for the 12 year now to worship our religions and German customs holies day in our retirement home 25 Willow Cres..

 How ever the Ontario Government tolerate that People who have ilegall possessing of our, by the Ontario Government ilegally confiscated house to celebrate there relishes festivities in our, knowingly stolen house.   

By doing so, he the Premier is using his, by him, appointed Ministers and Ontario Police Commissioner to participate in the Doug Ford Ontario Government criminal corruption, which also has International economical damaging implications.

With willful blindness following the leaders private money making agenda, by criminal neglecting and disregarding there sworn by and payed public duty

Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy is Ontario's highest legal elected authority. He has been personally and professional informed with documented evidence of all criminal committed corruption, regarding 25 Willow Cres., by legal Professionals, Government Agencies and high ranking Civil Servants Personal by Ontario Government for many years.

Above picture: Renovated with insulated Syncred panels, by Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler 25 Willow Cres. house.

Above picture: Son of Sheldon and Eve Barris, Michal Gardner, is pilfering (looting) under the direction of Ontario Police Officer, Kimberly Wild, my irreplaceable, over 50 years acquired, stuckateur werkzeuge.

   Above Court evidence document addressed to Police Officer Wild, Kimberly instructing "Just Junk" franchise Lance Hamilton in there criminal Elder-abuse activities.  

1) Attorney General Downy has full documented Court evidence, that possession and contends of our retirement residence (25 Willow Cres.) was ilegally and forceful taken from us Canadian/Ontario Seniors by Ontario Government, now "retired" Enforcement Officer Brad Calverly on Dec.19/2011 and later again by, now "retired" Police Officer Kimberly Wild.

Attorney General Downy has full Court sworn evidence and Court ruled documentation, that the, by Brad Calverly used eviction Superior Court Order was forged by Brad Calverly.  Many years ago.

Why did Attorney General Doug Downy not instruct the RCMP to investigate Brad Calverly after it was proven that he forged Court Orders?  

Why did Doug Downy and Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique not used there professional duty to reinstate possession of 25 Willow Cres. to the victims of the Court proven indictable crimes committed by one of there own?

Having documented knowledge of those committed crimes an ignoring them makes him, Doug Downy a criminal conspirator and responsible for the continued elder-abuse.             

Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy has full knowledge, Court ruled evidence, that the above enforced Superior Court eviction Order is a criminal fake. 

  Attorney General Doug Downy has professional knowledge, that the Court confirmed used eviction Order "isn't valid."  In the same Court transcribed above Crown Attorney Minns argued by knowingly lying "gave the sheriff the right to evict" Simcoe Crown Attorney in the prime of his currier resigned.

Before becoming Attorney General in the Ontario Government, Doug Downy practice law in Simcoe County Court House (Barrie) together with Crown Attorney Minns for many years. The both know that Ontario Government Employee Brad Calverly, who is also charring the same working facilities in Barrie Courthouse, is not the Sheriff. The also both know, that the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from there home 25 Willow Cres. where viscous crimes committed against Canadian/Ontario Seniors.

Knowing you personally I am stating this in sorrow, it is time for you, Attorney General Doug Downy to follow Crown Attorney Minns lead and  resigned to. Ontario needs a dedicated and hones Head Administrator directing Ontario Government legal matters.

Haven said all that, it appears that there is a master plan, were by Ontario Politicians guided for there own interests, send related family members on unconventional "Trade missions" to India a year ago. 

Michael Ford Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism is Ontario Premier Doug Fords nephew. He was send, at taxpayers money, on a "trade" mission to India. To do what for the Ontario Government there? 

Many are asking, why was he send on this trip. It appears, that the trip had nothing to do with Ontario Government business matters.

Was the purpose for this unexplained, to the Media, trip to India private ? Is Michael Ford setting up negotiations of private Ford billion dollar business arrangement's regarding Syncred Housing, Syncred multiuse mold free building material, replacing drywall.

Syncred large scale fully developed production machinery or the World wide Syncred manufacturing Rutan-Dorf Refugee Settlements?

Detailed information is documented in blog HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/

Why is possession 25 Willow Cres. purposely and ilegall still denied to Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler by the Ontario Government.

It is obvious that "second had" business man Doug Ford and his Coconspirator's are using 25 Willow Cres. to pressure us to allow them to take over my Syncred business ventures.

There is no legal reason, why we cant get possession of our ilegally, by the Ontario Government, retained house 25 Willow Cres. other then the want to cover up there Civil Servants criminal involvement's and take over my very lucrative worldwide business opportunity.

Possession of 25 Willow Cres. was forcefully taken from us by using this Court proven and Court ruled forged eviction Court Order.

Why is Attorney General Doug Downy contradicting his own sworn duty by being  inactive? Is it not crystal clear, even to a layman, that possession of 25 Willow Cres. was ilegally obtained and is ilegally retained ?

Is it not crystal clear to the "learned" Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy, that the above used, for the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres., is a phony Court Order.

This willful blindness of the Rule of Law by Attorney General Doug Downy and by Premier Doug Ford appointed Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique should be investigated by the Canadian RCMP and Interpol. Maybe the already due.

Attorney General Doug Downy and Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique became aware that 25 Willow Cres. property was wrongly forfeited in to and owned by the Ontario Government March 13 2006. The know that the given reason (Tax Violations) were fabricated lies confirmed by Revenue Canada in 2015.

The both know that the documented reason fore the confiscation by the Ontario Government of 25 Willow Cres. was because lawyer Ephraim Fiksel mistakenly entered the wrong Chelmarc Holding Corp. registration Nr.138015 on to Form 1 in his take over attempt. 

That contradicting filing data by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel was the only reason why Ingeborg Guettler's properly registered and with the proper registered office address 25 Willow Cres. Chelmarc Holding Corp. was canceled and its property's forfeited in to the Ontario Government.  

Attorney General Downy and Police Commissioner Carrique also have in there compiled documented knowledge that above documented address is a mailbox in a storage compound and that my, Arnold Guettler's/Neo-Form 3000 qf office was at 216 Chrislea Woodbridge.    

Above registered document is the in Court verified authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp. bearing the Incorporation Nr. 1380015.

Crown Attorney Doug Downy and Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique with out judging you, your integrity, your duty or common sense can you explain to my Wife, me or anyone why we, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler haven got (after a 12 years nightmare) possession of 25 Willow Cres.. 










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