136) International Human Rights in Canada/Ontario is A proven Illusion

Up-dated 18.September 2023

Up-dated September 5/2023. Over one months ago the office of HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCEL, Bob Rae received ( by registered mail) an official complain of serious ongoing Human Rights Violations, against Canadian Seniors 80+ living in Canada. He, Mr. Rae and his office display the arrogant audacity to ignore there paid duty of office and as of today Sept. 5/2023 did not respond to the Canadian Court proven brutal Human Rights violations committed in Canada.   

 Our, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, official Notice of Human Rights Violation, where send per registered Mail to the United Nations HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCEL  Bob Rae. He the Canadian Permanent Representative in New York on  July 25.2023.

A copy of the Canadian (in Canada) Human Rights Violations were also send per registered mail to the Human Rights Head-office in Switzerland. 

United Nations Human Rights Counsel Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishments. Canada is a founding member and the Permanent Representative is Bob Rae. We, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler Senior Canadian Citizens, are proven victims of brutal human rights violations committed by Canadian/Ontario Authorities for over 11 years. As of today, Aug. 17/2023, those reported Human Rights violations against us (80+) Canadian seniors are still ongoing.

Not only possession of our retirement residence was forceful and ilegally taken from us by Ontario Government employee Brad Calverley, but all of our live-long accumulated furniture and memobilia were, under the direction and supervision of Ontario Police Officer Kimberly Wild, stolen.


Ontario/ Canada Premier Doug Ford, Att. General Doug Downey and Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique, have THOUSEND of LEGAL DOKUMENTS proving the ilegall ONGOING Activities in Ontario. 

What does it take, to get possession and my House 25 Willow Cres. out of the illegal ownership of the Ontario Government? There should be no more EXCUSES. That after 11 years of brutal, Court proven elder-abuse and human rights violations committed by Ontario Government personal my husband Arnold and Ingeborg, can enjoy our well deserved and earned Senior Years (80+) in dignity and PEACE.

More detailed information are published in THE FORGOTTEN CANADIAN BLOG 3

We where respectful and understanding. We gave you the Time, to check and verify all CRIMINEL ACTIVITAETS committed by Ontario Government Personal and their lawyer friends.

Today 4 years ago the 19.June 2019 at 3.00 pm, the highest LAW INFORCMENT OFFICCER in Ontario, Thomas Carrique, received ( hand delivered personal by me, Ingeborg Guettler ) written information to access accumulated ( thousands ) documented COURT EVIDENCE and FACTS, regarding the unprecedented HUMAN RIGTHS CRIMES committed against us Canadian Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, Ontario Seniors, in Ontario/Canada.



Knowingly, by the Canadian/Ontario authorities, those ongoing committed International Human Rights Crimes, were not only ignored, bud also viciously oppressed.

We have over the last 11 years tried every avenue to amical resolve those Human Rights Crimes committed by Canadian/Ontario authorities and professionals against us Canadian Seniors with-out  engaging Human Rights Authorities.

However  since Canada is a Founding Member of the International Human Rights Commission and has Bob Rae as a Canadian Permanent Representative, we will inform Mr. Rae of those Human Rights violations at 466 Lexington Avenue, 20th Floor New York , USA  10017

A copy of our, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler,s  Human Rights violations in Canada ,  will also be send to the international Human Rights Commission , Uraniastrasse 34-8001   Zürich +41 76 208 66 16 Switzerland.


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