146) Crime Does Pays In Canada/Ontario

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy and Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique are in a criminal conspiracy to suppress the possession of 25 Willow Cres. from Ingeborg Guettler. 

The except and tolerate the use and enforcement of Court proven forged eviction Court Orders.     

Illegal occupants and illegal "owner" of 25 Willow Cres. could manage a, as stated, by Orillia Provincial Police two months holiday in Florida last year, 2023.

This winter (2024) the $ 468.000 fraudulent mortgaged, by the ilegall occupants. 25 Willow Cres. is empty for a prolong time again.

A by the Ontario Authorities knowingly disregarded Court proven fact is that:       

Possession of 25 Willow Cres. was illegally and forcefully taken from Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler by Brad Calverly. The Ontario Official used as authority a by him forged Superior Court Order fore the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from there legally occupied residence. Superior Court evidence. 

Does Premier Ford and his coconspirators have a hidden agenda? Does the availability for me of founts/money to lounge my world-wide housing projects (espionage) is the reason? It happend before. Canadian Federal and Ontario Provincial Politian's and high ranking Civil Servants were involved in National and International espionage regarding my invented building material and housing concepts. documented at my website:  HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/          

Above Court document: Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Attorney General Doug Downy and Ontario Police commissioner Thomas Carrique have full documented Superior Court evidence of the criminal conspiracy regarding 25 Willow Cres.     

Above Superior Court document verifies that the eviction Superior Court Order was ruled "invalid" It is obvious that the Ontario Law makers and Ontario law enforcers not enforcing, fore what ever reason, the existing law. 

How can the tolerate and not remunerate the by Police supervised atrocities committed against Canadian/Ontario Seniors living in Canada by returning 25 Willow Cres. to the rightful owner, Ingeborg Guettler?

Above picture: A relative of the Barris Gang taking/stealing selective items from 25 Willow Cres.

 Above Court document: "Most of the contence ilegally removed from 25 Willow Cres. were donated to charity as requested by Ms. Barris."



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