83) Convicted Onterio lawyer, Jeffery Burns, 15 years prison term, incorporated the PAPER COMPANIES.

Up-Dated May 18/2022:  Relatives in high Ontario Government positions ( Michael Bernstein, Deputy Director for criminal matters) are involved in a conspiracy of criminal international  espionage.

He, Michael Bernstein, is the Brother of convicted Ontario Lawyer Jeffery Burns. (alias Jeffery Bernstein) 

Above pictures: Neo-Form technology and material are ilegally produced and used in Havana/Cuba by Canadian Politicians, Civil Servants and Canadian business People. The in Ontario invented and developed technology and machinery was ilegally obtained in a Ontario Government raid. 

Above document: Invalid/forged Court Order was used to ilegally and force-full confiscate all contents of the Neo-Form 44,000 qft. research and development facility.  

Above document: Verification by the Ontario Government Attorney General's Office that the, for the raid, of the large scale research and development facility, used Court Order was invalid.  

Uniformed Ontario Government enforcement personal used as authorization a forged Court Orders. 

Ontario Government and authorities were involved in proven espionage, a very serious crime against society, this was not a private matter. This has to be reported to the RCMP and investigated accordingly to the Rule Of Law.

However Ontario Premier Mike Harris forwarded my complain to Ontario Government Attorney General, Charles Harnick.

His Office replied in a letter dated, Jul. 12/1998, that the matter is been investigated by the Toronto Police.

After about a year I contacted the Toronto Police and ask fore information on the Neo-Form/Fenmar espionage matter. 

I was told by the Police that matter was classified and the were not allowed to give me any information.

In 2016 I called the Toronto Police Headquarters and was told that the 1998 investigation on the Neo-Form/Fenmar espionage matter is not being declassified.  

The theft of technology and developed machinery was assisted by high ranking Ontario and Federal Civil Servants.

Other high-level Ontario Government employee (Enzo Calisi Regional Manager of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade) was directly involved in the espionage conspiracy. 

Letter to Canadian Ambassador in Cuba Keith Christie, dated June 28/1999. "Mr. Ambassador I am appalled that you and the Canadian Embassy in Cuba associate yourself with criminals, those people and companies became directly involved in money laundering and industrial espionage."

Neo-Form Cuba Corp. was registered on September 19/1996 in Cuba. Registration Number: Numero 1745, I Arnold Guettler, were listed as President of the Cuban Company.  

I received a letter on June 17, 1999 from the lawyers of Casaforma relating to industrial espionage by the Company Casaforma Construction Inc.

On Friday June 18, 1999, I visited the office of Polygal in Havana
and asked for the Vice President whom I knew was Gordon Christie.

I was told at the office that Mr .G. Christie was in Spain and would be returning to the office on Monday, June 21,1999.

On Monday I had a meeting with Mr. G. Christie where the following points were discussed.

*  I question which company I was dealing with, Casaforma, or           SPL Polygal since both were posted and registered in the lobby.  
    Gordon Christie identified himself as the Vice President of 

*  It was confirmed that a name change had taken place on 
    November 6, 1998 but Mr. G. Christie could not explain why 
    both names were still in use.

*  Mr.G. Christie acknowledged his company has changed lawyers.  
 He told me that he had no knowledge, that his former lawyer 
Jeffery Burns had been arrested in Miami for money launderin.

 Mr. G. Christie also told me that he had no knowledge, that     his  company, which is registered as having its address at Burns Solicitors 488 Huron Street, Toronto, was closed and the telephone disconnected. 

*  He did acknowledge that his company  in Canada, does not have
    and never had an ongoing business, bank account or any other
    registrations legally required to operate a business.

*  Furthermore, he acknowledged that the Canadian company, in
    Canada, only has a name and no assets or operating business  

*  After confronting Mr. G. Christie whit these facts, I asked how his
   company was able to conduct business, and have a office in
   Cuba. He had no answer for this.

*  Mr. G. Christie could not provide me with any proof concerning 
    "Casaforma Technology." There were no brochures, drawings
    or any other physical evidence including the development of
    the product.

Mr. Gordon Christie asked me to write a letter to the Canadian  Ambassador in Cuba, Mr. Keith Christie. (a relative of Mr. Gordon Christie,) and to Mr. Carlos Lage, Cuba's Vice President. 

This letter, was to state, that Mr. Gordon Christie is not in involved in any industrial espionage and that he is using a different technology then Neo-Form. He also wanted me to withdraw my serious allegations against his "reputable" Company.  

I did write a letter, dated June 28/1999 after our meeting to the Ambassador and copied it to Carlos Lage Davila, Secretaria Ejecutiva del Consejo de Ministrose and Orlando Alvarez/Camilo Garcia Lopez of the Ministerio de Reliciones Exteriores.

Letter to Canadian Ambassador in Cuba, from me Arnold Guettler President of Neo-Form Cuba.

Mr. Ambassador, I am appalled that you and the Canadian Embassy in Cuba, associate yourself with those people and companies and become directly involved in money laundering and industrial espionage. 









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