27) Building Material Production Machinery And Technology ILLEGALY Obtained And ILLEGALLY Transported to FOREIGN Countries With The Help Of A Ontario Government Employee

Up-dated March 27/2022: Ontario Security Commissions legislated mandated ("power") is fore Ontario onlyThe are not the "World Regulators" of securities!!

 There ,OSC at that time, Sept. 1997 privatized Agency, criminal activities not only suggest but proves blackmail and espionage.

 The privatized Enterprise, Ontario Security Commission, became a capitalisms business for profit in 1997. 

The new private operating OSC ilegally assumed and used the previous Ontario Government Agency's legislated rules and extra ordinary powers from the Government.

As experienced by me, Arnold Guettler and my Companies.

* The private Ontario Security Commission ilegally and with     out Court Order's gained access and investigated the bank (Toronto Dominican Bank in Orangeville) records. Bank accounts from my wife Ingeborg Guettler, private Neo-Form Corp., private Neo-Form North America Corp., private Mesron Corporation and my, Arnold Guettler were all ilegally "investigated" by Rima Pilipavicius, forensic accountant working for the private OSC. 

This was verified by OSC employee Rima Pilipavicius sworn evidence in Court, were she stated after her investigation, "that there were no unusable bank transactions."   

Document below:  Posted on the World-wide internet. 

A blatant libel lie. "According to the Ontario Securities Commission, between Oct. 15, 1994 and Jan. 10, 1997, the defendants raised more than  $ 2 million dollars from the sale of shares and promissory notes to approximately 140 investors." 

How can a "responsible" Government tolerate the 
blatant corruption and criminal activities ( DAMAGING THE ONTARIO Economy)by one of there own Government Agencies, fore so  long ?

 A large amount of the $ 2.000,000 received revenue by Neo-Form Corporations were from National and International business deals outside the jurisdiction of the Ontario Security Commission.

The rest of all the research and development funds were private placement funds legally collected.

 The private placement shares were issued with the payed professional advise from and including KPMG, ERNEST and YOUNG, Chartered Accountant SULEMAN RASHID, Security Lawyer, SARA LANE and Neo-Form fulltime inhouse Lawyer RICHARD LEIGHTON.

The OSC had no legislated legally authorized business to force them self in to the National and International business affairs of my three private Companies Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp. and Mesron Manufacturing Corp..
It is obvious that the OSC got criminal involved to extort money from me and my Companies.

Above documents: Canadian Government Agency 
audited research and development expenditure statements  of over  $ 2.000,000 from my, Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corporation and Mesron Manufacturing Corporation.

 I, Arnold Guettler and my Neo-Form Companies generated research and development operating funds from technology licensee deals in foreign Countries including:

$ 450.000 from Europe (principle partner Otto Jelinek) bl. 80
$ 200.000 from USA (principle partner Otto Cutts) bl. 79
$ 180.000 from Africa (principle partner Tony Rinomato) bl. 43

With me out of the way, in jail, the Ontario Civil Servants and there Corporate " Friends in Crime" could now freely continue there National/International espionage.

By Canadian Civil Servants and there Corporate "Friends",  Neo-Form stolen technology and machinery was ilegally transported and is ilegally producing Neo-Form building materials in Havana, Cuba.

The Canadian/Ontario "Business and Government personal" were actively involved in espionage using Cuba and Cubans to defraud me, Arnold Guettler, and the Canadian/Ontario Public. 

 Malicious and Liable Lies published by the IE INVESTMENT EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE ( a $2 Billion Publicly trading continental Company ) were published on the World-Wide Internet .

Up to this date, April 12/2022: This liable and untrue publication by the Magazine was and still is sabotaging the implementation of thousands created Jobs in Canada, Ontario and many other International Countries.

Libel, a crime of publishing lies on the World-wide internet I Arnold Guettler was not arrested. Those were civil, OSC, non criminal incidental proceetional matters. I attended every required and ordered civil Court hearing.(Court evidence)


a $ 2 Billion Dollar public Company, printed and published in the world wide internet over the last 18 years a second very malicious and liable report. This liable publication did not only destroyed my ( almost) , Arnold Guettler reputation , BUT ALSO DAMAGED THE Economy IN Canada, Ontario and many other International Countries who purchased Neo-Form technology license.

As published in previous blogs, thousands of created jobs in Ontario, Canada and numerous International Countries could not be implemented, because of the blackmailing attempt by the Ontario Security Commission.

I will ask the Ontario Government to join me in a $ 500 mill. Law-suit against the IE Investment Executive Magazine . This  action would definable be in the interest  of the
Ontario Public, incl. the 140 entity's ( 60 national and international Businesses and 80 private placement people ) who paid over $ 2Million in to the NEO-FORM Business venture.

The totally fabricated and untrue Document by the Ontario Security Commission is still publish by the World Wide Internet 

The true FACTS in the OSC matters are :

No 1:  I Arnold Guettler was not arrested ( the Ontario Security Commission matter were, claimed, incidental proceetional infractions "none criminal offenses" and I attended all required civil Court dates. There was no Police involved what so ever.

No 2 :  A resident of Simcoe county has been returned to jail after being arrested by the Durham Reginal Police. This is a fabricated  LIE . I was not arrested in the civil Ontario Security Commission matter. ( Court Evidence)

No 3:  Arnold Guettler will continue to serve his sentence for violating the Securities Act. This also is a fabricated LIE.

No 4: Guettler has been at large since November 27.2002.This again is a fabricated LIE. I was never at LARGE. ( illegally free)  The were NONE CRIMINAL OFFENCE's and I was present at ALL ordered Civil court hearings. 

No 5:I Arnold Guettler was never required to SURRENDER  (none criminal offence) I attended EVERY required Court hearing on my own. ( Court evidence) 

No 6: Falsely published by the magazine "a warrant for arrest and committal issued." This again is a fabricated LIE. There was no warrant or committal orders issued. (Court Evidence)

The official RECORDED FACTS are :

No 1: the OSC took me, Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corp. and Neo-Form North-America Corp. to Court in a CIVIL DISPUT.
Those Civil Offence claimed by the OSC where INCIDENTAL  PROCEETIONAL  INFRACTIONS. 

No 2: Neo-Form Corporations fulltime inhouse Lawyer , Richard Leighton, made a written offer to the OSC Lawyer Derik Ferris, to repay all, by the Ontario Security Commission, disputed ($ 800.000) Money to the private placements Investors. 

This was first excepted by the OSC in writing and later revoked. 
(document below)

Above document verifies a settlement proposal was made by the Ontario Security Commission's Lawyer Darek Ferris. Neo-Form's Lawyer, Richard Leighton, accepted and stated that the, by the OSC wrongly requested $ 800.000 Private Placement Investments would be returned by the Neo-Form Corporations and there Employees located in Ontario, Canada, America, Europe, and Africa. 

Above document: This document proves the criminal intentions of the Ontario Security Commission dealing with issues outside there Ontario jurisdiction.

The Otto Cutts Group canceled the 5 million dollar agreement with Neo-Form and forfeited there $ 200,000 deposit after there encounter with the Ontario Security Commission.

By the way Ontario is open for business. 

After the unlawful request (blackmaile) by the OSC was accepted by Neo-Form and Mesron Corporation's the OSC changed there mined and went to Court.

No 3: The OSC proceeded and set a date for a CIVIL TRIAL.

No 4:  Due to the financial circumstances , I Arnold Guettler, hat to defend Neo-Form Corp, Neo-Form America Corp. and Arnold Guettler in the case against the OSC by my self.

No 5: Being legally out muscled , I was found guilty on three out of eight none criminal offences.

No 6: I was handcuffed in Court and taken to jail.

No 7: After few days in Toronto's Don Jail, I was allowed to appeal Justas Babes  decision, and was relisted from Jail.

No 8: A few months later, I represented my self , and argued the case, including that the OSC could not continue with the case, since the OSC where privatized and were a different entity and a private structure in September 1997.

 No 9: The circumstance's forced me to defend myself and again was legally outmuscled by the superior legal strength of the Ontario Security Commission and lost. 

I was handcuffed in court and transported to the super Jail in Pennetang. 

With me out of the way, the Ontario Civil Servants and there Corporate Friends could now freely continue with there National - International espionage. 

Enzo Calisi, a manager in the Ontario Ministry of Economical Development and Trade resigned shortly after obtaining full technical knowledge and " Application" information from my Neo-Form Corporation. 

Ontario Government personal was ENTRUSTED with newly invented and fully developed building technology, materials and large scale production machinery knowledge. This CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTED KNOWLEDGE was ILLEGALLY used and SOLD in to foreign Countries by ENZO CALISI, a former high level employee of the Ontario Government.  

Enzo Calisi, a Ontario Government employee embezzled, (fraudulently appropriated) confidential information provided by me and my Company Neo-Form Corp to the Ontario Government.

 Neo-Form Material manufacture and used ILLEGALLY in Cuba.

Personal of my Corporation Neo-Form and I had ongoing consultation with Enzo Calisi who was the Regional Manager for the Mexican & Latin American International Business Unit in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade with the ONTARIO GOVERNMENT. 

Shortly after obtaining full knowledge of the Neo-Form invented and developed building materials and production technology, Calisi quit his Government job and worked in the private sector.

He used his, while working for the Ontario Government  strictly confidential GAINED KNOWLEDGE of the Neo-Form building material, production machinery and marketing strategies, as a private CONSULTANT for Durabond ( a Ontario Company) in Mexico, Cuba and Latin America.   

Calisi was incidental involved when Neo-Forms 44.000 qf. (4880 qm) building material and production machinery RESEARCH facility in Ontario was ILLEGALLY raided, using a invalid bogus Superior Court Order

Document above: Employees of the Ministry of the Ontario Attorney General using a FORGED COURT ORDER to raid my 44.000 qf. research and development facility.

 Justice Keenan ruled on May 23, 1997, that the used for the raid, Court Order was  Invalid. 

Neo-Form Corp. ( my company) large scale, newly invented and developed production machinery and all, over seven years accumulated technical data was ILLEGALLY removed out of the 44,000 qf. research and development building by the Ontario Authorities.  

PRIVATE ENCOUNTERS: Unattended crimes against us, Canadian Seniors committed by Ontario civil Servants.  

The preferred pray for TITLE FRAUD in Ontario are SENIORS who own property. The well educated, in legal matters, professionals develop an " understanding "to involve the AUTHORITIES assisting them in their criminal practices.

Document above: Forged and brutaly enforced, by Ontario Government Employee Brad Calverley, eviction Superior Court Order.  

Why was the Ontario Government's civil servant  ENFORCEMENT Officer Brad Calverley NOT criminal charged?   

For Years (over 20) he, Brad Calverley, a Ontario uniformed Government ENFORCEMENT Officer constantly committed indictable CRIMINAL OFFENCES while on duty.

The Simcoe County Crown Attorney Minns had full knowledge with indisputable Court EVIDENCE, of the, by Brad Calverly committed criminal offences, for years.

The Ontario Provincial Police where official informed by me with documented EVIDENCE of the CRIMES, committed by the long time employee of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. (Court Evidence)  


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