124) Canadian Senior Citizens Were Tortured And Forcefully Displaced By Ontario Government Employee's.

 The almost perfect Government crimes committed in Canada against Canadian Seniors. Those reported indictable human rights crimes were purposely ignored by Governments and influenced authorities.

According to the official registered documentation of the forceful and brutal removal of Arnold and Ingeborg Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. by Ontario Government uniformed enforcement employee Brad Calverly, never happent.

Committed brutal human rights crimes by uniformed Government Employees were reported by me, Arnold Guettler,  with documented evidence, to all Canadian Governments and there Agencies, including the RCMP in New Marked Ontario.  

I had an one hour recorded "interview" with the RCMP Officer, he would not give me his name, regarding the criminal  involvement by the Ontario Government personal regarding the 25 Willow Cres. human rights violations committed against us Canadian Seniors.

At a second meeting the "nameless" RCMP Officer informed me, that the will not investigate and I should get in contact with the Canadian Judicial Council in Ottawa. 

I did received a letter bag from Norman Sabourin, Executive Director and Senior General Counsel, dated 29September 2015 CJC File:15-0331(15-0248) This letter stated that the Canadian Judicial Council can not get involved because it is not in there jurisdiction.

This happened in CANADA and not in Ukraine or China. Maybe we, violently displaced Canadian Seniors, should aske the World fore pity and help and not the Canadian authorities for justice 

We, Canadian Seniors, were inflicted with brutal atrocities by Canadian "Officials" in Canada.  

The disregarded war on crimes in Canada are not investigated by Justin Trudeau and his side kick Jagmeet Singh. 

The Canadian RCMP (Federal Police Force) was ordered by Canadian ruling Government to investigate alleged war crimes in Ukraine. (Published by the Canadian Press April 7/2022) 

However, Jean Dube with the Canadian RCMP was informed, by me Arnold Guettler in April 1999, of large-scale industrial espionage in Canada and other foreign countries. They were not interested in investigating this issue. 

We are Canadian senior Citizen's and living in Canada fore over 60 years. Immigrated from Germany in our early 20tees. Over 10 years ago, I was tortured, forceful and ilegally removed by Canadian Government enforcement personal from our legally occupied residence 25 Willow Cres. 

The Police torture and attack me, Arnold Guettler, it was so severe, that my wife had to call 911. After the unprovoked criminal Police assault, I, a Canadian Senior, was crying in pain and taken to the hospital by ambulance. (911 record below)

Above Court transcript: Crown Attorney Minns is the head prosecutor of Simcoe County (population 533000).

He, objected in Court that I, Arnold Guettler, should not use the terminology of torture. (Above document)

I have to admit that I am not a "learned" person. I have no academical credentials and I am not a registered member of the Ontario Law Society.

However, I am a Canadian Senior and gained my overall knowledge trough living a responsible self-sustaining and productive live, with my family, in Canada.

It is my privately learned understanding that torture is an act of violence's inflicted on living beings, including humans, who are being restrained.

The reason for torture (induced unprovoked pain) is to gad a responding action. 

Ontario Police Officer Kimberly Wild caused physical pain on me, which was so severe that an ambulance had to transport me to the hospital.

I was restrained-controlled (tied up) because any move, by me, could be construed by the Police Officer as an assault on her and give her a reason to use her gun. 

Case in point: My 70+ year old wife Ingeborg was charged by Police Officer Wild with assaulting a police officer, Officer.

Her perceived crime. My wife managed to remove her arm out of a very painful armlock when she was unlawfully and forceful removed from her legally occupied residence, 25 Willow Cres., by Police Officer Wild. At the CRIMINAL Court trial Ingeborg Guettler was ruled by the presiding Judge Not Guilty.

At the hospital I was diagnosed of having a severe panic attack. I was treated with medication and after several hours of medical attention and observation, I was released to go home.

But there was no home. We were ilegally, (with a forged Court order) and violently displaced by Canadian Government authorities and couldn't returned home. We had to ask our neighbor's help. The offered us, old seniors, refuge in their garage! Yes, in Canada!

Above Court document: Forged and ilegally enforced, by Ontario Government Employee, Superior Court Order.

Above document was not endorsed, but was the only official filed eviction order for 25 Willow Cres. (Court evidence) 

According to officially registration documentation, the forceful and brutal eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. by Ontario Government enforcement employee Brad Calverly never happen.   

I also would suggest looking into my wife Ingeborg Guettler's own blog "ingeborg guettler own blog"


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