
Showing posts from November, 2017

64) No Tears For Us Senior Canadians From Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Up dated Feb. 20/2022: Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is standing up or use his Office for anybody in the World except Canadian Seniors who helped build this "still" great Country Canada.    The Canadian Press 10/17/2920. Quote: " Prime Minister Trudeau says his Government will not stop standing up for human rights China. Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's official commends: "right think to due" paying $10.5  million Canadian tax money to convicted killer and terrorist Omar Khadr.  The Prime Minister invited Joshua Boyle ( Omar Khadr brother in law) to his Parliament Hill office, in Ottawa for a photo session.  The faked scam/publicity backfired on the Canadian Prime Minister and Joshua Boyle was arrested and charged  with 15 criminal accounts two weeks later.    My wife and I, Canadian Citizens for over 50 years, were illegally and force full evicted, (court evidence ) from our residence by an Ontario employed LAW Enforcement Officer on

65) There Actions Were Definitely Not "In Interest Of The Public"

Ontario Security Commission illegally engaged themselves in INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE. By doing so, the actively damaging the Canadian/Ontario and other, by Neo-Form license Countries, around the World.        Letter from the Ontario Security Commission Counsel Derek J. Ferris to Richard Leighton, in-house lawyer for Neo-Form Corporations, dated March 5th. 1997. " The issuance of shares by NFC and NFNAC should be undone and all monies returned to the investors."  Reply letter from Mr. Leighton, dated March 6th 1997. " I would like to address the matter of returning monies ($ 800, 000.00) to the ( private placement) investors. I have attempted to start discussions on this topic in January. For what ever reason the OSC changed their mind and started to prosecute Neo-Form Corporations and Arnold Guettler.  Result of this unexplaineble decision by the OSC was, that ALL private placement investors lost ALL of there invested monies and their ( 40 employees)

66) Illegal Interference Damaging The Economy.

On one ( Claudio Cinapri) strategically placed complain, the Ontario Security Commission launch's an illegal International investigation and posted there involvement on the World-wide Internet. ( Court evidence) The illegal interference from the OSC destroyed created jobs in Canada/Ontario and in other Neo-Form building technology  licensed Countries.  Investigating the financial bank records of, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler and his Neo-Form Companies, "there were no unusual trance actions" evidence given by Ms. Pilipavicius, forensic accounting investigator for the Ontario Security Commission. ( Court evidence) This was an unauthorized financial ( Banks and Tax records) investigation by the illegal operating OSC.          In September 1997, the Ontario Security Commission, a Crown Corporation, was illegally privatized by the Mike Harris Government and became an independent private Agency. All Government personal working for the Ontario Security Commission resig

67) Police POWER Rules Not The Rule of Law

 Same Search Warrants were entered as sworn evidence by  Police Officer DeLorenzi with a different authorization signatures in a Civil Court and criminal proceedings.   Search Warrant entered into Criminal Court (12 member Jury Trial) by Police Officer DeLorenzi as sworn evidence. There were no mandatory filed copy's,  of the Search Warrant, in the Justice of the Peace Office.     Same (different Justice of the Peace authorized Search  Warrant) entered into Civil Court by Police Officer DeLorenzi as sworn evidence.  There were no mandatory filed co py's in the Justice of the Peace office.   "This case smells, the Court is being used by people for their personal interest." Comment made by Superior Court Justice, C. Marchand, to the Crown in my 5 day, 12 member criminal, Jury Trial.    There is no use to invent new technology or start a  manufacturing business in Canada/Ontario, the law and law- enforcement personal and the present state of our legal system


The practices of Ontario banking has changed. The banks don't engage their own lawyers anymore to confirm the LEGALITY of property trance actions before they finance them. The accept the independent lawyers " LEGAL" assessments and evaluations to provide, BLINDLY FINANCING.  The banks don't even make a simple title searches anymore, costing $ 35. So in my opinion, the banks are neglectful in their duties and thereby involving them-self in MONEY LAUNDERING        The Bank of Nova Scotia registers a $ 568,000 mortgage against the stolen property, (25 Willow Cres.) witch was purchased the same day for $ 450,000. Canada Mortgage law:Minimum down payment, on a financed   house purchase is 15%. In this case, the purchase price for 25 Willow Crs. (our stolen house) was $ 450.000. There was no down payment what so-ever. To make the sham even more ridiculous, the buyers got a mortgage from the Canadian Bank of Nova Scotia for  $ 568.000, same day.     A new law the Go

69) Ontario Entrepreneurs And There Business Are Not Wanted In Ontario

Did I miss any-think, or am I just a stupid, gullible Canadian entrepreneur? It seems that industrial espionage is a common business practice and accepted in Ontario now? The Canadian Rule of Law appears to be a non existing illusion?   Why are successful, and by the Canadian Research Counsel certified, Canadian/Ontario inventions and product developments being willfully sabotaged and disregarded by Canadian/Ontario Governments? Reported,  (Premier Wynne China's trade mission) in the Toronto Star December 1/2017. "A leading manufacturer is planning to open an Ontario factory  assembling as many as 900 electric vehicles in the next five years. Premier Kathleen   Wynne says, The move by BYD Company LTD. which has an Canadian Office in Windsor, would mean 20 to 30 jobs  initially"  .......    Why do Government Officials go on World-wide Trade Missions? Why don't the make it there Mission to assist newly developed Canadian/Ontario manufacturing and there en